Installation Instructions for Rapid Visual OAI Tool (Version 1.0) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements ------------ 1. Windows 2000/NT/XP, Linux or Unix. 2. Java (JDK 1.3.1_02 and above) installed and CLASSPATH set appropriately. Installation Procedure ---------------------- Windows 2000/NT/XP ------------------ 1. Download "Rapid Visual OAI Tool" Package for Windows from 2. Unzip and extract "RapidVisualOAITool" directory. 3. Before starting to use the application, you have to compile the source files. To do that, change to "RapidVisualOAITool" directory and double click on "compile.bat" or type "compile" or "compile.bat" at the prompt. 4. After compilation, double click on "startup.bat" or type startup or startup.bat at the command prompt. Note: This complitation should be once when the installation is done and next when a new parser is used. Otherwise, to launch the application only "startup" can be used. 5. The application starts up. You may use the Help option on the application window to know more about how to use the application. Linux / Unix ------------ 1. Download "Rapid Visual OAI Tool" Package for Linux, Unix from 2. Unzip (gunzip RapidVisualOAITool.tar.gz) and untar (tar -xvf RapidVisualOAITool.tar) the package and extract "RapidVisualOAITool" directory. 3. Before starting to use the application, you have to compile the source files. To do that, change to "RapidVisualOAITool" directory type "" at the prompt to compile the source files. 4. After compilation, type at the command prompt. Note: This complitation should be once when the installation is done and next when a new parser is used. Otherwise, to launch the application only "startup" can be used. 5. The application starts up. You may use the Help option on the application window to know more about how to use the application. Initially, to become more comfortable with this tool, you may use the sample data provided under "data/sample/" directory.